Monday, November 29, 2021

Prospect and Refuge

     When it comes to spaces, people like to seek our security as well as a great view and this is basically the best way to sum up "prospect-refuge." For example, giving people the option to sit in the corner, on the edge, or in the middle of a room, most people who prefer prospect-refuge will flock to the corner or the edge so they can feel like they can see their surroundings and feel a sense of safety. 

    I used to work in the food industry and at one of the restaurants I worked at, there was a large booth in the corner of the dining room where people would always ask to sit. We had at least 5 groups request it every night. It was almost mafia-style seating. We would call this "casing the joint." People who would prefer to sit there really liked to be able to see all of their surrounding especially being able to see the front door to see who is coming in and who is going out. 

    I think this is a great example of prospect-refuge because there is a much preferred seat in the place in order to see everything around you and feel safe.

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