Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Good Design that's not Sublime!

     I have thought about this topic all day to think of what it is I could possibly use to fit the prompt. It finally dawned on me that one of my favorite design concepts fits the mold. I have always been a fan of sustainability, recycling, and overall green living. I think the design of these buildings are the best.

    The idea of buildings growing plants on the side of them make you go straight to thinking maybe the building has been abandoned, but in reality, it's the complete opposite. These plants are being taking care of and in return, they are taking care of the environment. 
    Plants pull carbon dioxide out of the air and helps produce oxygen which is great for taking care of air pollution. Studies have already proven that plant buildings have helped cut air pollution by 20 percent in the area around it. They also help with dust particles so I can (almost) guarantee that the building is pretty clean inside. (Carter).  
    These buildings could also help with global warming, feeding the hungry, and can even help with flash floods by soaking up the rainwater before it hits the ground. This idea doesn't even have to be based on a certain building design either. It can be added to existing buildings as well and reap some of the same benefits. 
    The benefits to these buildings are absolutely amazing. They're beautiful but personally, that was not the first thing I noticed about them. The design and the idea behind it were much more at the front of my mind when I first saw one.


Green buildings: What they are, how they work, and why they matter. Architecture Art Designs. (2019, December 17). Retrieved October 28, 2021, from

Nield, D. (n.d.). This is why we should all be covering all our buildings with plants. ScienceAlert. Retrieved October 28, 2021, from

Wells, K. (2018, June 27). More buildings are going green. literally. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved October 28, 2021, from

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

My Design Philosophy

    My design philosophy is focused around safety and serenity. These are two of the most important feelings to experience when you enter a room, a home, or a building. It is surrounded by textiles and furniture you'd like to sink into and want to feel on your skin.

    Whenever I think about designing and what drives me to do it, all I can think about is the feeling I get whenever I'm in a place that feels me full of serenity. My art is also a part of my drive. I love the way it feels to create something beautiful to look at, especially if it's customary to someone else.

    I have been an artist my entire life. I have been drawing, painting, and creating since I was about 4 years old. I have always known I wanted it to be my career one day. As I got older, the moment I was taught how to draw a floor plan for a home, I knew I was hooked. Drafting became my new goal. I wanted to design layouts. From that moment on, drafting, designing, and decorating became an obsession. I wanted homes to not only be aesthetically pleasing but good for the soul as well. 

    There have been a couple times in my life where my actual home has felt like a real home, out of the 7 homes I've lived in. I believe that it's one of the most important feelings your brain and body can experience for one's own personal mental health. I also think that's another reason why I'm so drawn to profession. I want to give people that feeling. 

    Whenever I design, I like to think about the needs of the client but also a way to sign off on a design without combating client's preferences. It's important to put yourself into your work when you can. You spend hours on creating it.